Amy Adams shot this musical in 2006 - right after "Junebug" and just before "Enchanted".
I contacted Identity Films about "Moonlight Serenade" a few weeks ago. One of the producers told me that the film was never released. It was stuck in post-production somehow. No word on when it will be out :-(
It's a musical/romantic comedy directed by Giancarlo Tallarico starring Scottish actor Alec Newman. Amy is pictured on the left with jazz organist Joey De Francesco on the Los Angeles set.
Hopefully we'll get to see it eventually so, until then, keep your fingers crossed!
I really hope this movie comes out!
I love it when she sings!
Maybe now that she has been established as "a star" they release the movie! Because now her name can sell the picture.
Well, let's wait and see.
Oh goodness, I hate that dress. I wonder how much you can see? Nonetheless, I wouldn't mind seeing it, if it sounds interesting.
lol, i don't hate that dress...
Any further news on this subject? They indicate a December 3, 2009, release date on this film.
Perhaps the other films she's done so well brought this project back to life from post-production?
Actually, the movie was released on December 3. I hope they release it in Russia at least on DVD. Love Glen Miller and Amy Adams. Must be a real treasure
Oops, it's not Glen Miller but Joey DeFrencesco. Still interesting
Spread the word...
Just watched the movie ... got it from Netflix. Really enjoyed it. Joey DiFrancesco did everything. He acted in it... he composed a number of songs and played the piano as well as organ... even played the trumpet as background in one scene. Thought Amy's voice was more Broadway than jazz but still enjoyed it. If you ever get a chance to hear Joey in person, do it... he is fantastic!
just saw it, absolutely beautiful movie :)
I've watch Joey live and his just fantastic.
I've just watch the film and it was him that kept me from switching off. The actual film is real s.it!
I just saw this movie. Absolutely, positively the worst movie ever made. Everything was awful including the score, the original songs, the acting, the non-existent plot, etc., etc., etc. It's destined to become a hall of shame classic.
Good Lord, what a piece of crap. That there is a chance that people may think this is jazz singing makes me retch. Joey D can't even save this movie.
In fairness..I worked on this film...We filmed it in 7 days for less then $100k.
Just watched the movie and the sound track is fabulous!!!
I'm an old guy so the music and the movie struck a cord with me.
Loved it!
I am running a giveaway for Amy Adams Moonlight Serenade, if you are interested check it out here http://www.screenhead.com/reviews/giveaway-moonlight-serenade/
Watchn the movie as I write this. Please don't rent it.. sorry but its awful. Music is good though.
Just watched the movie... considering it was low budget, I truly enjoyed it!
Ha Ha just watched it. Hilariously horrible. She's hot as hello...but can't sing for doo doo...and that Frank So-not-tra, boy, he was pretty sad too...Ha Ha, hilarious. I laughed so hard....oh funny. U got to watch this again and again just cause it's so bad
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