Actresses Salma Hayek, Selma Blair, Evan Rachel Wood, Jennifer Connolly, Naomi Watts, Amber Tamblyn and Amy Adams explained their views on freedom in the magazine's opinion page.
Here's what Amy has to say about it:
Here's what Amy has to say about it:
"I grew up in a small town and you could run around and get lost all day long. When I was a kid, I would always climb to the top of the trees; I'd be up there by myself. I was one of seven kids, so it was always pretty chaotic and that was a place where I could be alone and nobody could find me. I think as I've gotten older, I've learned to embrace finding freedom with others as well. When I was younger my freedom was when I was alone."
"Getting caught up in someone else's identity provides a lot of freedom but I know that when I was onstage, I felt a bigger sense of freedom than in film."
"It sounds so Miss America but I think that if we had compassion for one another, it would create more freedom because everybody would just feel a little more secure. Security creates freedom."
It sounds so Miss America but I think that if we had compassion for one another, it would create more freedom because everybody would just feel a little more secure. Security creates freedom."
I agree with that 100 percent.Well said Amy
that's a great picture of her. by any chance, do u know what she was wearing under the top? like is that a dress or did she have some type of pants on underneath?
- Tiffany
You can see a bigger version of this picture here: http://bp0.blogger.com/_mBgz6Gtzcno/R-3ZKidzkNI/AAAAAAAACkM/m4i6jd3--as/s1600-h/freedom.jpg
I'm not sure but it doesn't seem to be a dress?!
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