Just in case some of you didn't read the comments posted after one of my recent blog entries ("Amy Adams dines out with Ben Stiller in Vancouver"), I'm re-posting below the cute story of Meg, who was lucky enough to meet Amy Adams in her store.
OK, here we go, first comment posted by Meg on July 13th:
"Amy Adams was shopping in my store today at Pacific Centre, she came in briefly yesterday and she was back again today in a nice blue dress, i could've talked to her! but she left so quickly!"
A couple of days later:
"I had a chance to talk to her TODAY!!! Amy came in to our store again during the afternoon (she's possibly staying in Four Seasons which is connected to the mall) but unlike the first couple times i saw her, she dressed very plainly and ...ordinarily so for a second there i almost doubted whether or not it was her, but when i had a chance to help her with a pair of shoes, i looked her in the eye and i saw the bags under her eyes, the pointy tip of her nose, (not in a bad way, she's very fair and beautiful in person) i knew it was her, (plus the red hair).
Unfortunately she didn't stay too long in the store because we didn't have the style of gold shoes she liked, although she was very polite and down to earth, no one would ever think she'd been an Oscar nominee. i wanted to acknowledge her quietly but didn't have a chance, however, im very happy that i finally spoke to her, oh so lovely".
Thank you very much Meg for sharing your lovely story with us!